Temple Excursions Around Kandy, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is adorned with countless temples & numerous stupas. Not
surprisingly around the royal city of Kandy, we find many temples set in
delightful landscape. Temples in & around the Royal City of Kandy, taken
together make up a treasure trove of medieval Sinhalese Buddhist art &
Dodanwela Devale (shrine)
Dodanwela shrine is set in idyllic surroundings among massive Na
trees (the national tree of Sri Lanka) with their distinctive red leaves
& white fragrant flowers. An avenue of these trees takes us to a
medieval wayfarer's inn called ambalama (a pillared & sheltered resting
place for travellers & pilgrims), behind which is the shrine.
Embakke Devale (shrine)
Embekke Devale dedicated to God Skanda, the
Kataragama deity, is
famous for its fine woodcarvings. The shrine believed to have been built
by King Wickramabahu the third of Gampola in 1351 AD., is a treasure
trove of medieval wood carvings. The timbered roof of massive
proportions revealing the excellence of classic carpentry of the Kandyan
era is supported by intricately decorated wooden pillars. The fine
decorated pillars are said to have originated in the palace of the royal
city of Gampola, which was demolished by the Portuguese. The village of
Embekke, even today is well known for its skillful craftsmen who are
devoted to the art of wood carving, metal work-silver, brass & bronze
The multitude of wooden pillars enlighten us with numerous designs of
Kandian images taking prominence: wrestlers, dragons, dancing girls,
musicians, horsemen, soldiers, peacocks & entwined swans. The carvings
are not limited to the wooden pillars. Doors, doorways, rafters & beams
of the shrine too are elaborately decorated with an assortment of fine
carvings: among the numerous carvings are foot soldiers & cavalry as
well as breast feeding mother with her infant. Then again the composite
figures of elephant bull, elephant lion & birdman are among the carvings
of bestiary. The panel of arch rivals, the elephant & the lion engaged
in a duel, stand out among several hundreds of exquisite carvings.
Gadaladeniya Temple
Gadaladeniya, a temple complex atop a rock outcrop, was built during
the reign of Bhuvanekabahu the fourth in 1351 AD. The brick
superstructure, shaped like a stupa, has an octagonal base. The
inscriptions on the rock by Buddhist monk Dharmakirti date the temple to
1344 AD. In the entrance are figures of musicians & dancers, & at the
foot of the steps to the main shrine there is a moonstone & two
gajasinha (elephant-lion) balustrades. The principal gilded image of the
Buddha (18th century) is framed by elaborate dragon arch (Makara Torana).
The original Buddha statue was destroyed by the Portuguese in the 15th
century. A shrine for Hindu god Vishnu is included on one side of the
Brass ornaments
At Kiriwavula village nearby, craftsmen cast brass ornaments by the
ancient lost-wax (cire-perdu) process.
Galmaduwa Vihara temple
Galmaduwa Vihara, a stone built temple is of singular interest as it
exhibits features not found in the other buildings of the Kandy period.
It is of curious composite design: encircling the dome is a structure
consisting of seven diminishing storeys, revealing a Tanjore influence,
while around this is a rectangular wall with arches that betray western
influence. There would have been an even older dagoba on this site
before the Galmaduwa Vihara was built.
Handagala Vihara temple
Handagala Vihara, a cave temple located under a boulder, was built
during the late Kandy period. It houses a large reclining statue of the
Buddha & a dagoba. On the walls of the exterior & interior, & on the
cave-roof, are paintings of the period, some of which were painted over
in the 20th century. In addition, a few poorly preserved traces of paint
probably dating from the 5th century indicate that the temple was
already in use during the classical Sinhalese period. These may be among
the earliest paintings in their island.
Lankatilaka Vihara
Lankatilaka Vihara is situated on the top of hill of grey gneiss, where
we find inscriptions by King Bhuvanekabahu the fourth (1347 AD) & King
Vickramabahu the third (1351 AD) narrating the construction of the
temple. A long magnificent flight of steps cut into the rock takes us to
the temple. The view from the summit is glorious with tea plantations &
surrounding hills brought closer to the sight. According to the legend,
when a monk reported the sight of a golden bowl floating on the surface
of a nearby reservoir, the king took it as an auspicious sign & wasted
no time in having the temple built close to the reservoir. The present
imposingly solid-looking building of two stories was originally four
stories high. It was renovated & the tile roof added in 1845. Even from
a distance you can see this elegant roof standing out at the end of the
The main building of the temple is the innermost Buduga or image house
with Buddha statues. It is surrounded by six shrines or devala
representing six Hindu & local deities, i.e. Hindu God Ganesh, Hindu God
Skanda, God Vishnu, Goddess Pattini & local divinities Maha Sumana Saman
& God Vibishana. Among the statues are lovely low-relief carvings of
elephants. The walls & ceilings are covered with well-preserved
frescoes, some of the oldest & best examples of the Kandyan style..
Medawala Vihara
Medawala Vihara is a 14th century temple. This building fell into
disrepair, however, & the present temple was built in the 18th century
by King Kirti Sri Rajasinhe. One interesting feature is an image house
built with timber & wattle & daub that is raised above the ground on
short stone columns. Inside is a seated image of the Buddha in front of
a decoratively carved & painted wooden panel with representations of a
Bo-tree, gods, disciples & dragons. On the side walls are depicted a
line of disciples, Jataka tales (stories of Bodhisattava in 550 previous
births of Buddha), scenes from the Buddha's life following the gaining
of enlightenment & the 16 holiest places (Solosmasthana) for Buddhists
in Sri Lanka.
Nalanda Gedige
Nalanda Gedige is a curious composite of Buddhist & Hindu
architecture. But then again it features typically Buddhist layout &
decorative scheme: moonstone, dragon arches, dancing dwarfs & other
traditional themes.
The temple is set in very peaceful surroundings which are particularly
enchanting, especially after rain when there seems to be water
everywhere. The temple is noted for its stone carvings of sexual
subjects, which are very similar to the famous Khajuraho carvings of
Chhatarpur district, State of Madhya Pradesh in India, 85 miles (620
kilometres) southeast of Delhi.
Aluvihara Monastery
Aluvihara Monastery occupies a number of caves pocketed within the
boulders & crags in a picturesque valley about 8km north of Matale. The
various caves of the impressive site have different functions &
contrasting moods. Several are beautifully painted with frescoes, one
contains a large reclining Buddha, also brightly painted, & one is
dedicated to the Indian Buddhist scholar Buddhagosa.
It was in these caves that the Buddhist doctrines were first committed
to paper -or rather Ola leaf- in the first century BC. The Tripitakaya
was written in an ancient script called Pali on long leaves of Ola palm
which were then loosely bound to make books. They were the lifetime's
labour of 500 Buddhist monks. Much of the library was destroyed by the
British in 1848, after a Sinhalese rebel leader took refuge in the
caves. The work of replacement of the lost manuscripts continues today,
& you can see monks painstakingly filling Ola books in a scriptorium.
The first of the three books of the Tipitake was completed in 1982.
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