Archive for May, 2012
Thursday, May 31st, 2012
The Turn of the Screw: from Ceylon Coffee to Ceylon Tea in Sri Lanka
Prior to the beginning of plantation of Ceylon Tea in Sri Lanka, coffee grew wild in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka. Sinhalese Buddhist traditions that run into medieval era enlighten us of a time coffee flowers being offered at the Holy Temple of the Tooth at Kandy. But it was not until 1823 coffee plantations took root in Sri Lanka, then called Ceylon. During the Napoleonic Wars in Europe (1799-1815), when Holland was occupied by France, the Dutch East India Company [whose VOC Dutch Galle Fort at Sri Lanka Holidays Galle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site is the best preserved colonial Dutch fort in Asia today], lost much of the Indonesian coffee-producing area to the British East India Company (1811-1816). The Dutch reclaimed Indonesian archipelago from the British in 1815, following the inevitable downfall of Napoleon. No “third Reich”, no “Grande Armee” would withstand Russian winter; no Napoleon, no Hitler would conquer great Russia.
In 1823 British colonial Governor of Ceylon, Sir Edward Barnes (1776-1838) & his friend George bird, a former cavalry officer, formed the first European coffee plantation in Sri Lanka Holidays Kandy, the gateway to the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka. In the same year the colonial governor established a government plantation of 200 acres near the Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens at Kandy. The quality of Ceylon Coffee was such the governor believed in a brilliant future for coffee in Sri Lanka Holidays Central Highlands. The Story of Ceylon Tea was yet to begin and unravel.
 Ceylon Coffee Production during the British Colonial Era in Sri Lanka: sifting coffee beans
The British Child Soldier
In 1825, the British colonialists in Ceylon began cultivation of coffee in large scale in the Central Highlands. Governor Barnes invested in a network of roads in Ceylon. At the forefront of the road building work was one Thomas Skinner (1804-1877), who enlisted in the Ceylon Rifles in 1818 at the tender age of fourteen. Thomas Skinner made roads and history in Ceylon. Such was his contribution, he was attributed to had his hand & heart in the construction of nearly every road & bridge in the tropical island of Ceylon. He gave British Ceylon 3000 miles of good macadamized roads. The remarkable growth of coffee plantations in Ceylon was more or less a result of the road building work of Major Skinner.
Sir Emerson Tennet (1804-1869), colonial secretary of Ceylon (1845-1850) was on the bull’s eye when he stated “to him more than to any living man the colony is indebted for its present prosperity”. One would wonder whether Emerson could have done still better to do justice to Skinner, had Emerson lived to witness the success of Ceylon Tea plantations.
 Ceylon Tea Plantations, Central Highlands. Sri Lanka
Ceylon Land Rush Vs. California Gold Rush
The investment in the network of roads in British Ceylon caused a Land Rush, commencing in 1836, for a decade, in the Sri Lanka Holidays Central Highlands in the vein of the Gold Rush in California (1848-1855). Coffee was the latest craze that torched Ceylon ablaze. Fired up by the coffee craze, enterprising individuals across a wide spectrum of the populace took lock, stock & barrel (literally in view of the herds on elephants then populated the Central Highlands). Among those who swarmed to the Central Highlands were Ceylonese civil servants, soldiers, judges & clergymen with one ambition in common: to become planters. At the forefront was legendary Sinhalese Coffee planter, “Rothschild of Ceylon” Charles Henry De Soysa (1836-1890) of Moratuwa [of South-Western Coastal Belt of Sri Lanka Holidays].
And the authorities were only too ready to sell crown lands of British Ceylon and did so at the pace of about 40,000 acres per annum. With the abolition of slavery in the British West Indies in 1833 resulting in a decline of coffee production therein, coffee export from Ceylon was in ascendance, filling the gap in the world market. The success of Ceylon Coffee plantations was such it successfully transformed Ceylon’s economy from reliance upon subsistence crops to plantation agriculture. Coffee industry became a money spinner of Ceylon in the lines as tobacco, cotton, or sugar was in America albeit on a different scale of production. By the mid 1800s Ceylon was the world’s leading coffee producer. In 1869, coffee covered over 90,000 acres of Sri Lanka Holidays Central Highlands and had created a vibrant export trade. But then the wheel of fortunes was to turn & turn with merciless wrath.
Irish Potato Blight Vs Ceylonese Coffee Blight
In 1869, nature turned its wrath upon the coffee plantations of Ceylon through a leaf blight called Haemileia vastatrix, for which no control could be found as was the case in Irish Potato Bight during 1740-1741, a watershed in the history of Ireland which sparked Irish emigration to the New World. Alas, once vibrant Ceylon Coffee plantations of Sri Lanka, then called Ceylon was to become a footnote in the history.
The Los Angeles Time, June 30, 1899: The coffee of Yemen (Mocha) is esteemed the best in the world, but little Mocha coffee gets out of Arabia, or at least beyond Turkey and Armenia. Ceylon once had an excellent reputation for its coffee, but so many natural obstacles arose to impede coffee cultivation in Ceylon that Ceylonese coffee plantations have been largely converted into tea plantations…
Andrew Carnegie sees a brilliant future for Black Tea in Ceylon
In 1879, a decade after the coffee blight, American industrialist Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) wrote “there are more than twelve hundred coffee plantations, and the amount of coffee exported exceeds twenty millions of dollars per annum. Tea cultivation has been introduced recently, and the quality is said to be excellent. There cannot be any doubt of this, because it finds a ready market here. None has been exported. If it were not a remarkably good article the foreign would be preferred, as we all know a domestic article has a world of prejudice to overcome at first. I shall watch Ceylon Tea leaf may rival that of the coffee bean.”
On the ashes of once great Ceylon Coffee industry, was built the now world renowned Ceylon Tea industry of Sri Lanka.

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Thursday, May 31st, 2012
Thomas Lipton & James Taylor
The history of Ceylon Tea, the finest Black Tea in the world runs far back to Sri Lanka’s British colonial period (1815-1948). Until the year 1869, Coffee industry of Sri Lanka, then called Ceylon was a lucrative business to the British colonial era planters of the resplendent Indian Ocean Island. Second to none among the planters, mainly British, was legendary Sinhalese Coffee planter, “Rothschild of Ceylon” Charles Henry De Soysa (1836-1890) of Moratuwa [of South-Western Coastal Belt of Sri Lanka Holidays], who prided on management of his estates with no European whatsoever on the payroll. But most of the Ceylonese executives were of European origin. The business of Ceylonese planters was business. They made money.
 Ceylon Tea Plantation Central Highlands..
Ceylon Tea fields down in there in an exotic tropical island
As all good things must come to an end, in 1989, the death blow to the coffee industry was dealt in by the outbreak of a coffee rust, Hemileia vastatrix, a fungal disease. Such was devastation by the ‘coffee blight’, planters lost all hope on coffee. All of a sudden coffee was the bitter berry. Should you get tired of historical narratives, the next best option is fictional narratives based on facts. Standing head & shoulders high among all the fictional narrations of the grand enterprise is “the Bitter Berry” to hold you in thrall. The novel was written in by Christine Spittle Wilson, daughter of much adored Ceylonese Dutch burgher writer, Dr. R. L. Spittle (1880-1869) in 1957. It was translated from English into Sinhala by the title “Thitta Kopi” meaning Bitter Coffee in Sinhalese. But then the bitterness was not given an opportunity to take root. The lion-hearted planters wouldn’t be denied: new cash crop stronger than coffee plant was found. Undaunted & obstinate with courage, the planters carried on to establish legendary industry of Ceylon Tea, the finest Black Tea in the world, in the Sri Lanka Holidays Central Highlands beginning in Kandy, the gateway to the Central Highlands to Sri Lanka Holidays Nuwara Eliya, the prime hill country sanatorium.
Ceylon Tea: Brave Hearts
“Not often is it that men have the heart, when their one great industry is ruined, to rear up in a few years another as rich to take its place: and the tea fields of Ceylon are true a monument to courage as is the lion of Waterloo”.
Sir Arthur Connan Doyle (1859-1830)
Ceylon Tea: our man in Ceylon
“It can be said of few individuals that their labors have helped to shape the landscape of a country. But the beauty of the hill country as it now appears owes much to the inspiration of James Taylor, the man who introduced tea cultivation to Sri Lanka”.
John Field, the High Commissner for Great Britain in Sri Lanka, 1992, the 100th death anniversary of James Taylor
When the hour comes, the man would appear. Our man was only a boy when he arrived in resplendent Sri Lanka from Kincardineshire in 1852. He was sixteen. His name was James Taylor. James Taylor (1835-1892) during his time at a coffee plantation in Ceylon visited India (1866) to learn on growing Black tea. On his return in 1867, James Taylor pioneered the Black tea plantations of Ceylon in mere 19 acres of land.
In 1872, with a new variety of Black Tea from Assam discovered by another Scotsman, Robert Bruce, Taylor went on a much larger scale in plantations at Loolecondera estate in Sri Lanka Holidays Central Highlands. James Taylor has already been narrating his enterprise. “I have a machine of my own invention being made in Kandy for rolling tea which I think will be successful”, wrote Taylor. The year 1873 saw the export of Sri Lanka’s first Ceylon Tea consignment 23 lbs from Loolecondra Estate to London.
Ceylon Tea: Thomas Lipton was here
Although Ceylon Tea had become a popular beverage in Great Britain by 1880, it was still not within the purchasing capacity of the working class. In the year 1890, a British millionaire, who at the age of eighteen had picked up American techniques of salesmanship and advertising in New York, secretly booked a sea passage to Australia yet disembarked in Sri Lanka Holidays Colombo to close ranks with James Taylor to launch an enterprise of gigantic scale: “Straight from the tea gardens to the tea pot”. He had already taken a leaf out of the book his mother: his mother dealt directly with the farmers over the middlemen at the market to buy bacon, egg & butter for their small grocery shop at Glasgow, Ireland.
Ceylon Tea: Lipton came, Lipton saw, Lipton conquered
Thomas Lipton (1848-1931) resolved to leapfrog the industry of Ceylon Tea” “kill wherever possible, the middleman or intermediary profiteer between the producer and consumer, with profit alike to myself and my customer” (Lipton’s autobiography by Sir Thomas Lipton, 1932).
In 1891 Ceylon Tea established a record price of GBP 36.15 per pound at the London Tea Auctions. In 1893, an incredible one million packets of Ceylon Tea were sold at Chicago’s World Fair. Thomas Lipton became a household name across and the US. Lipton took Ceylon Tea to the world. And the world, in return, brought him greatest fame and fortune. In 1898, the Irishman was knighted by Queen Victoria.
 Ceylon Tea Plantation. Central Highlands
Ceylon Tea: if you build it, they will come
And they came with great power. They came climbing, winding over the rings of hills, after hill, through the tunnels cut through the hills, over the bridges built over the rivers and ravines: the steam powered locomotive trains. They came to transport Ceylon Tea from the Sri Lanka Holidays Central Highlands to the seaport of Colombo for export. In the year 1884 the highland track of spectacular scenery built by Ceylon Railway Lines of British Ceylon was extended from Nanu Oya to Sri Lanka Holidays Nuwara Eliya and in 1894 to Sri Lanka Holidays Bandarawela and then in 1941 to Sri Lanka Holidays Badulla via paradise like village of Ella of the Central Highlands, the home of Black Tea branded Ceylon Tea, the finest Black Tea in the world.

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Wednesday, May 30th, 2012
Ceylon Tea, Ceylon Coffee & United Biology
Black Tea has been the most consumed & healthiest of the premier beverages including Black Coffee. All right stuff come with a cost & Black Tea hasn’t been an exception. Popularity of Black Tea in British Empire had the Chinese hooked onto narcotic opium till Black Tea from India & Sri Lanka (then called Ceylon) took over the European market from China. Though China had its opium addiction reversed, in the case of Sri Lanka, the ancient Sinhalese irrigation network in the north central province was long neglected in view of the Black Tea cultivation in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka.
 Ceylon Tea Plantation, Central Highlands, Sri Lanka
Ancient Sinhalese of Sri Lanka, from the very beginning of their civilization had practiced sustainable agriculture with a view of United Biology: the deep human need to be surrounded by other living things. The world’s oldest protected & recorded tree is in Anuradhapura; the world’s first ever wildlife reserve is Sri Lanka Holidays Mihintale; the world’s first recorded Veterinary hospital was established in Sri Lanka Holidays Anuradhapura during the reign of King Buddhadasa (340-368 AD) of Sri Lanka, who himself was an illustrious Ayurvedic physician & Veterinary surgeon.
Ancient Sinhalese record of live and let live principle towards all living beings has been unparalleled throughout the 2552 years of unbroken recorded history as chronicled in Mahawamsa. Such was the Sinhalese history & tradition shattered by the British colonialists [1805 – 1948] in Ceylon.
CeylonTea & indentured labor from South India by the British colonialists in Ceylon
Moreover, tea being an all year crop, the indentured South Indian labor brought into Ceylon for the purpose of cultivation was to create untold disturbances in the ancient island of the Aryan Sinhalese, albeit short of the devastating scale wreaked upon the island nation by Malabars brought into Jaffna peninsula for the cultivation of Tobacco by the Dutch (1685-1798). The induction of Dravidian coolies into Sri Lanka of Aryan Sinhalese by the Dutch firstly, the British secondly, were to disturb the demography & social fabric of the ancient island to unfathomable depth. Europeans enjoyed Ceylon tobacco & Ceylon Tea, the finest Black Tea in the world. The little island nation paid a heavy price.
Ceylon Coffee
it was with coffee that the high yield plantation industry of Sri Lanka (forced change-over from subsistence crops to commercial crops) began in the year 1825. By 1867, acreage under coffee rose to 162,700. The Central Highlands of Sri Lanka being ideal for coffee growing, at the peak of coffee industry, the highest annual production exceeded 50 million kg of highest quality Ceylon coffee.
No shade, no protection; failed mono culture
The British having set up plantations of mono culture coffee without shade, the conditions resulted in the emergence of a devastating leaf disease known as the “coffee rust” Hemileia vastatrix, in the year 1869. During the next twenty years, in spite of a frantic effort to arrest the spread of disease, the coffee industry in Sri Lanka then called Ceylon declined. The lion-hearted planters of Ceylon (to give the devils their due) wouldn’t be denied of their due success story yet to be unraveled by a single calamitous misfortune. In an attempt to avoid financial ruin, the Ceylonese planters (mainly British) converted their decimated acreage of Ceylon Coffee to CeylonTea: millions of infected bushes were uprooted & set fire with untold heartache. With awe-inspiring courage, tea was planted in every inch of what were once hills of Ceylon coffee. Tea took root and flourished in the Sri Lanka Holidays Central Highlands: Ceylon tea. Since then Sri Lanka has been the producer of finest Black Tea in the world: Ceylon Tea. Ceylon Coffee production of Sri Lanka, today is a low-key industry geared solely for the local consumption in Sri Lanka.
Snowballing Folly of US AID & World Bank
In traditional wisdom, Coffee is grown in the shade under protection of forest canopy. In the 1950s USAID & World Bank launched a project in under-developed countries to promote so called sun-grown coffee. In order to secure bank credit, the planters were required to cut down the trees & switch over from their traditional shade grown coffee to modern sun grown coffee. It was to turn into a major folly: coffee is the most chemical intensive crop consumed by the humans.
The shade trees were cut down depriving the birds their habitat. Loss of bird population caused the spread of worms: infestation of worms called for pesticides. Then again the plants stressed by the exposure to direst sun and sprays of pesticide, in turn required chemical fertilizers. Moreover direst sun resulting in increased weed growth necessitated the use of weed killers. At last, but not least, with coffee berries getting ripened quicker in the direst sun, the quality of coffee was called into question.
Then again the farmers without the know-how of using chemicals safely were exposed to vapors & fumes resulting in health complication; groundwater began to be contaminated; the pulp of the coffee berries, which constitutes about 60% by weight, thrown into the rivers deduced the PH wreaking havoc in the marine life of the rivers that originate in the Sri Lanka Holidays Central Highlands and runs in the radial pattern to the surrounding plains.
Ceylon Coffee in poly culture
In Poly Culture, farmers provide shade for the coffee plantation with particular tree and plant species, including fruits and vegetable for the farmer as well as for the market. At present, it is estimated that there are over 3000 farmers of shade-grown Ceylon Coffee in Sri Lanka. Spurning pesticides & chemical fertilizers, Lawrence Goldberg of Sri Lanka’s Hansa Coffee has been engaged in the industry of Ceylon Coffee to regain the reputation for quality won and lost nearly a century and a half ago. The concept herein is termed Analog Forest Garden.
Quote Hansa Coffee of Sri Lanka
An Analog Forest Garden is a tree dominated environment established on the principals of Analog Forestry, where crop plants are grown so that they form a physical structure to the original forest. The planting exhibits ecological relations that are also analogous to those of the original forest and provides micro-habitat to many species that could not exist without it. Unquote
Live and let live: co exists with other living beings; go with the concept of United Biology. That is to go with the god.

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Monday, May 28th, 2012
Arhath Mahinda
Sri Lanka Holidays is pleased to commence this glossary with Arhath Mahinda for his epoch-making contribution made to the flourishing Aryan Sinhalese civilization in the kingdom of Lanka [as Sri Lanka was then called], which had made Anuradhapura the capital city.
The recitation of the doctrine of Buddhism by 1000 Buddhist monks at the Third Buddhist Council at Asokarama monastery in Pataliputra [modern-day Patna], called in by the great Mauryan Emperor Asoka or Ashoka [304–232 BC], also known as Ashoka the Great of the Maurya Dynasty, resulted in Thera Moggaliputta Tissa having the non-Theravadan beliefs [Mahasanghika, most probably the forerunner of Mahayana Buddhism] refuted point by point. It was the establishment of Sthaviravada [Sanskrit: the Way of the Elders, today known as Theravada] that adhered closely to the teachings and rules of the Pali Canon.
Following the monumental event, Thera Moggaliputta Tissa, at the behest of the great emperor assigned nine illustrious Buddhist monks to head delegations to neighboring kingdoms for the establishment of the Faith. Arhath Mahinda, the son of Emperor Asoka was assigned for dissemination of faith in the resplendent island of Lanka.
Arhath Mahinda accompanied by his disciples the Thera Itthiya, Uttiya, Sambala and Bhaddasala, Samanera [yet to be ordained to the Buddhist order] Sumana and laymen Banduka or Bhandu having arrived in Lanka took King Devanampiya Tissa [307-266 BC] on a deer hunt by surprise at Missaka Mountain or Sri Lanka Holidays Mihintale, as called today, located 12km east of Anuradhapura.
 Arhath Mahinda meets King Devanampiya Tissa at Mihintale: a wall painting at Kelaniya Royal Temple
“Recluses we are, O great king, disciples of the king of the Dhamma [1]. Out of compassion for you alone have we come here from Jambudipa [2]”
Mahavamsa, Dr. Ananda W. P. Guruge’s translation, 1989, ISBN 955-20-8963-8
Having introduced himself, Arhath Mahinda had King Davanampiyatissa tested with a quiz, most probably the first recorded quiz in the history of the world: the riddle of the Mango tree. Following is the riddle dialogue sans the answers by King Devanampiya Tissa. Print this page, write your answers and visit or at least click Mihintale to check your answers. Don’t cheat.
Arahat Mahinda: “What name does this tree bear, O king?”
King Devanampiya Tissa: “This tree is called a Mango.”
Arhat Mahinda: “Is there yet another Mango besides this?”
King Devanampiya Tissa:
Arhat Mahinda: “And are there yet other trees besides this mango & the other mangoes?”
King Devanampiya Tissa:
Arhat Mahinda: “And are there, besides the other mangoes & those trees which are not mangoes, yet other trees?”
King Devanampiya Tissa:
Arhat Mahinda: “Thou hast a shrewd wit, O ruler of men!”
Arhat Mahinda: “Hast thou kinsfolk, O king?”
King Devanampiya Tissa: “There are many,sir.”
Arhat Mahinda: “And are there also some, O king, who are not kinsfolk of thine?”
King Devanampiya Tissa:
Arhat Mahinda: “Is there yet any one besides the kinsfolk & the others?”
King Devanampiya Tissa:
Arhat Mahinda: “Good! Thou hast a shrewd wit, O ruler of men!”
It was only following the quiz, the first sermon on Buddhism was delivered: a Buddhist discourse called “Chullahaththipadopama Sutta”, the simile of the elephant. At the end of the sermon King Devanpiya Tissa and forty thousand Sinhalese embraced Buddhism.
“Is an arama allowed to the brotherhood, sir?”
“It is allowed.”
Mahavamsa, Dr. Wilhelm Geiger’s translation, 1912, ISBN: 955-8540-83-8
The king having embraced Buddhism donated the Mahameghawanna gardens at Anuradhapura to Arahath Mahinda. Mahavihara monastery at Mahameghawanna gardens become the centre of Theravada Buddhism. In the time to come glorious Anuradhapura became the greatest monastic city of the ancient world. [Click to read on Anuradhapura]
Quote Rajavaliya
Mihindu Thera [3] also caused the right collarbone relic of our Buddha to be brought from the world of Sakra and enshrined it in the Thuparama which had been built for that purpose. Also a quantity of about a bowlful of relics that were in the possession of king Dharmasoska was brought and Dagabas were built at a distance of each gavua [4] including the Tissamahavihara [5]. The king also requested to be brought the Southern branch of the Sri Maha Bodhi against which Buddha had placed his back from Dambadiva. Thereupon a line was marked round the branch with a golden brush in vermilion. The branch severed itself as if cut with a saw and rising to the sky through supernatural power, arrived in this Sri Lanka. It thus arrived at the place in which the Bodhi trees of the three former Buddhas [6] as well, had been planted. It was received into a golden pot on that spot and the Bodhi was planted. That king Devanampiya Tissa caused drip-ledges to be cut in sixty eight caves around Mihintale rock and in those were settled the great community of monks headed by Thera Mihindu. King Devanipatis [7] made great offerings and acquiring much merit reigned forty years righteously and departed to the world of Devas.
Unquote Rajavaliya [Sinhala: genealogy of kings] translation by A.V. Suraweera ISBN 955-599-210-X
[1] Dhamma (Pali) or Dharma (Sanskrit): the path to supreme enlightenment
[2] Jambudipa : Indian subcontinent
[3] Arhath Mahinda was also known by Mihindu Thera
[4] Gavua: 4 miles
[5] Tissamahavihara is a Buddhist temple
[6] According to the historical narrations, three former Buddhas, i.e. Kakusanda, Konagama, Kasyapa of the current eon known as Mahabadra kalpa had visited to Sri Lanka prior to Gautama Buddha. Each of these Buddha attained supreme enlightenment while meditating in the shelter of trees.
[7] King Devanipatis is another name for King Devanampiya Tissa
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Friday, May 25th, 2012
Nuwara Eliya rooms are numerous: high range rooms, middle range rooms, budget range rooms and home stay. Yet In view of the large numbers of local tourists in April, at the peak of main hill country holiday season, Nuwara Eliya being vibrant with festivities, the rooms could hardly be secured unless room reservations are made in advance.
 Grand Hotel Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka Holidays
Nuwara Eliya located at the foot of Pidurutalgala Kanda (Mount Pedro), the highest mountain of Sri Lanka [2555 meters] is Sri Lanka’s premier hill country health retreat. Nuwara Eliya [altitude:1800 meters] of salubrious climate, at a distance of 180km from Colombo in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka is where the finest Black tea, the world’s finest Orange Pekoe is produced: Ceylon Tea. In the city center are Windsor Hotel and the Grand Hotel. Grand Hotel was formerly the hill country residence of then governor of British Ceylon. Hotel Glendowner and Hill Club Hotel too are located on Grand Hotel road. The Victoria Park rich in birdlife, 18-hole Nuwara Eliya Golf Course, Race Course, Gregory’s Lake and Jetwing St. Andrews Hotel, a restored and renovated Victorian bungalow are all within few minutes’ walk from the city center.
 Nuwara Eliya, Central Highlands, Sri Lanka Holidays
Nuwara Eliya, the main zone of Sri Lanka’s Black tea growing region, is also a major agricultural zone: vegetables [potato, radishes, turnips, cabbage, leeks etc.] usually associated with temperate Europe are extensively grown in terrace cultivations over the lower hills, while the higher hills are encompassed by seamless tea plantations. The home gardens, meadows and avenues are enriched with abundance of fruits such as alligator pear, pomegranate and made colorful with plants with blooming flowers-roses, carnations and daisies.
Nuwara Eliya, discovered in the wilderness by a party of British colonial hunters in 1819 and developed into a hill country sanatorium by Sir Edward Barnes, then governor of British Ceylon (1824-1831), with its hint of an English resort towns of the 1950s, is today an agricultural district. Though most of the foreign tourists of Sri Lanka Holidays pitch up in beach holiday resorts in the south western and southern coast, or enjoy in touring holidays with no more than a couple of days in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lankans love to vacation in Central Highlands of Sri Lanka, especially in Nuwara Eliya, Bandarawela, Diyatalwa, Ella, Hatton, Haputale, Ohiya,Talawekele each varying in character.
Nuwara Eliya is the most convenient base to make tours to the nature World Heritage Site of Sri Lanka Holidays Horton Plains National Park, 20km south of it. The open grassy montane forest is home to deer and sambur that are frequently seen grazing around. The 4 km trek across the grassland interspersed with flowing streams open up the World’s End: a sheer precipice with 900m drop, which enable, on a clear day, to see as far as the southern coast of Sri Lanka. The return trek passes the scenic Baker Falls.
Nature lovers are attracted to Galway Land situated at mere 1.5km away from the city center is a sanctuary of barking deer and small mammals. Hakgala Botanical Gardens at an elevation of 1707 meters above the sea level attracts all tourists at Nuwara Eliya.
 The Hill Club Nuwara Eliya, Central Highlands
Nuwara Eliya High Range Rooms in the city
Grand Hotel
Windsor Hotel
Jetwing St. Andrews, No. 10, St. Andrew’s Drive
Alpine Hotel Nuwara Eliya, No. 4, Haddon Hill Road
Galway Forest Lodge, 89, Upper Lake Road
Hotel Glendower Hotel, 5, Grand Hotel Road
The Hill Club, 29, Grand hotel Road
 St. Andrews Hotel, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka
Nuwara Eliya Mid Range Hotels
Glenfall Resort, 3, Glenfall Road, Nuwara Eliya
Hotel Tanosa, 81/3, Unique View Road
The Rock, 60, Unique View Road Road
Nuwara Eliya Budget Range Hotels
Ashley Resorts, 88/3 Unique View, Nuwara Eliya
Deepaloka Rest, 308, Bambare Kale
Glenfall Inn, 33/3 Glenfall Road
Green Garden Hotel 16 A, Unique View Road
Haddon Hill Hotel, 24/3 Haddon Hill Road
Hotel Eden Hill, 1 , Badulla Road
Mount Wave Serendib Hotel, 15, Unique View Road
Sampath Rest, 8 A, Wedderburn Road, Nuwara Eliya
Sansa Holiday Resort, 62, 62km post, Kandy Road
Sprout Hill Bungalow, 26, Unique View Road
Hotel Sunhill, 18, Unique View Road
Tip Top Guest House-Holiday Bungalow, 32/2 Church Rd
Hotel Silver Falls, 23, Nanuoya Road, Windy Corner, Balck Pool, Nuwara Eliya
Nuwara Eliya High Range Rooms in the surrounding areas
Heritance Tea Factory, Kandapola
Cranford Villa, 542, Kahagolla, Diyatalawa
Jetwing Warwick Gardens, Ambewela
 Jetwing Warwick Gardens, Ambewela, Sri Lanka Holidays
 Cranford Villa, Diyatalawa, Sri Lanka Holidays
Nuwara Eliya Budget Range Hotels in the surrounding area
Acacia Ohiya, Ohiya

Tags: Highland Hotels, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka Holidays, Sri Lanka Hotels Posted in Nuwara Eliya, Nuwara Eliya Rooms | No Comments »
Thursday, May 24th, 2012
Paradise Road The Villa Bentota
Location of Paradise Road The Villa Bentota
Paradise Road The Villa Bentota is located at Bentota beach of Sri Lanka Holidays, 62 km south of Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka
Setting of Paradise Road The Villa Bentota
Paradise Road The Villa Bentota boutique villa, 5 minutes’ stroll away to the interior from Bentota Beach, is set in the shade and shelter of groves of coconut palm trees that dot the immaculately maintained expansive tropical gardens. Paradise Road The Villa Bentota boutique villa’s extensive coconut grove estate that stretches all the way to Bentota Beach is cut across by the Southern Railway line of Sri Lanka that runs from Colombo to Matara via Bentota and Galle. The extension of the Southern coastal railway from Matara to Kataragama, the domain of God Skanda (35 km) has already been commenced.

Sri Lanka Holidays Sustainable tourism (Green i.e., eco) credentials of Paradise Road The Villa Bentota:
To be edited
Architectural concept of Paradise Road The Villa Bentota
Space, light and the passage of air in tropics encapsulate the architectural concept of the boutique villa. Paradise Road The Villa Bentota is restored, renovated and reinvigorated colonial era manor house called Mohotti Walauwa. In the year 1970, the manor house was renovated and refurbished by Sri Lanka’s foremost architect Geoffrey Bawa. In the year 2009, the manor house was once again renovated and refurbished by Shantha Fernando, a Sri Lankan lifestyle designer transforming it into masterpiece of architecture and interior decor.

Privacy and solitude at Paradise Road The Villa Bentota
Paradise Road The Villa Bentota is enclosed by the walled gardens, securing the privacy and solitude of Sri Lanka Holidays tourists holidaying therein. It’s a much sought after villa for romantic weddings and honeymoons as well as for close-knit gatherings of families, groups and corporate entities on vacation.
Targeted clientele of Paradise Road The Villa Bentota
The luxury boutique s targets Sri Lanka Holidays tourists who wants luxury.
Accommodation at Paradise Road The Villa Bentota
Paradise Road The Villa Bentota consists of 8 air-conditioned rooms and 7 suites.
Rooms: The bathrooms of all rooms are fitted with hot water showers. Fine linen are draped over the luxurious king size beds. Suites: sea views are brought in by either a private balcony or terrace. Some of the suites have private plunge pools.
Mohotti Suite: two double rooms and private living room are built with large glass windows surrounding those. The result is lovely views of landscape and seascape.

In room facilities
All rooms and suites of Paradise Road the Villa Bentota are equipped with LCD TV screens with cable channels, mini-bar, electronic safety locker and tea/coffee making facilities.
Extra beds, cots and baby baths are provided upon request as complementary services

In house facilities
Paradise Road the Villa Bentota consists of 2 luxurious swimming pools surrounded by fine lounge areas.
Dining at Villa Café
While the staff would grab at a chance to make suggestions on dining, the chef at Villa Café would prepare any on the menu on the double that feature an array of Sri Lankan and International cuisine.
Excursions [half day or one-day] off Paradise Road The Villa Bentota
Bentota Beach, on the whole, is the finest location for watersports. The beach, lagoon and river afford surfing, snorkeling and jet skiing. The traditional fishermen at Bentota welcome the Sri Lanka Holidays tourists to go fishing in Indian Ocean by traditional wooden Oruwa
Balapitiya’s River Madu Ganga a novel experience even to seasoned tropical traveler: within the river are 64 islets rich in birdlife; on both sides of the river are lush mangroves. The paddled canoe or outboard engine boat ramble round the islands and glide by the banks. Enroute is the chance to visit rural villages, local markets, Buddhist temples & craft and antique shops.
Ambalangoda presents the all tourists to gain knowledge of folk dances of Sri Lanka Holidays south western coastal belt and southern coastal belt. Ariyapala Mask Muesum exhibits the traditional masks used in the folk dances. Regularly staged at Ariyapala Mask Museum are theatrical performances by the dancers disguised as folk cjarachrers of legends in costumes and masks.
Galle, the legendary southern sea-port of Sri Lanka presents its limelight: the UNESCO World Heritage Site of 17th century VOC Galle Dutch Fort occupies the whole peninsula. Housed inside the fort build with massive ramparts overlooking the Indian ocean on three sides and Galle International Cricket Stadium and Galle Road is to the north, are Dutch and British period buildings restored and still in use, lining a maze of narrow streets.
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Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012
Bentota Beach located 64km south of Colombo is the prime bay beach resort of Sri Lanka. Though High Range Rooms, Mid Range Rooms and Budget Range Rooms are available all along the stretches of loveliest palm fringed beaches of golden sands, during the high season, the rooms are hard to come by.
 Club Bentota, Bentota Beach, SrI Lanka Holidays
The next best options are available in the nearby beaches to the north and south of Bentota:
Aluthgama 1km to the north
Beruwala 6km to the north
Induruwa 4km to the south
Kosgoda 10km to the south
Ahungalla 12km to the south
Bentota National Holiday Resort (NHR)
 Bentota Beach, Sri Lanka Holidays
Some of the finest accommodation options at Bentota are located within the perimeter of the Bentota National Holiday Resort, an enchanting rendezvous of beach, lagoon and river, that spreads over an area of 100 acres. The verdant land of many hues and tones of green is sandwiched between Bentota Beach and A2 Galle – Colombo main motor road. Running through Bentota National Holiday Resort (NHR) and along the coast is Colombo-Galle southern railway line.
The southern railway line of Colombo to Galle that runs via Bentota, parallel to the A2 Colombo-Galle main motor road, has now been extended, with a design speed of 120km/h to Kataragama, the domain of God Skanda via Hambantota and Belliatta, the hometown or rather, the village of the Hero of Modern Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa.
 Colombo to Bentota, Sri Lanka Holidays
Paradise Island, Bentota
The prime block of real estate at Bentota Beach, aptly called “The Paradise Island” is a couple of hundred meters long tongue of land that that stretches from south to north terminating at the spectacular site of the confluence of the Indian Ocean and River Bentara ganga also called Bentota River. Hotels named Bentota Beach, Hotel Ceysands and Club Bentota are located in this well sheltered delightful peninsula of year round tropical vegetation. In terms of the natural location sheltered from the tropical sun, these hotels are second to none other in Bentota or anywhere else in Sri Lanka.
 Bentota Beach Hotel at Bentota, Sri Lanka Holidays
Sri Lanka Hotels located in the Paradise Island
Bentota Beach Hotel: 139 room luxury hotel [4 star]
Hotel Ceysands: 84 room luxury hotel [4 star]
Club Bentota: 146 room hotel [2 star]
 Club Bentota, Bentota, Sri Lanka Holidays
Bentota Hotels immediately south of the Paradise Island, Bentota
Vivanta by Taj, Bentota: 162 room beachfront luxury hotel [4 star]
Hotel Serendib: 90 room beachfront luxury hotel [3 star]
The Surf (Formerly Lihiniya Surf Hotel, Lihiniya: Sinhala – Eagle), Bentota: 86 room beachfront luxury hotel [3 star]
Though these High Range Hotels aren’t not located in the peninsula itself, being immediately south of it, they brings great joys to the water sports lovers, the beach lovers holidaying in Sri Lanka Holidays Bentota on the south western coast that is replete with coconut palm sheltered pristine beaches: Ambalangoda, Hikkaduwa, Unawatuna, Koggala, Mirissa (off-shore whales during November to April), Dikwella, Tangalla and Hambantota of Deep South of Sri Lanka Holidays. With the on-going projects of Magampura Mahinda Rajapakse Port, Mattala Mahinda Rajapakse Int’l Airport, 300-acre Mirijjawila dry zone botanical garden and completed Sooriyawewa Mahinda Rajapakse Int’l Cricket Stadium, Hambantota has become the focal point of the development of Modern Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s Sri Lanka’s first E Class highway called the Southern Lanka Express Highway [design speed is 120km/h; operational speed is 100km/h] that runs from Kottawa of Colombo district to Pinnaduwa [95km] of Galle district is scheduled to be extended to Matara [further 35km] in the year 2013 and then on to Mattala International Airport, Hambantota [further 75km] in an accelerated project.
 Bentota Beach, Sri Lanka
Bentota Hotels located south of the Bentota Beach
Saman Villas: 26 room luxury boutique hotel located on a headland 3km south of Bentota beach
 Saman Villas at Bentota, Sri Lanka Holidays
Bentota Hotels Inland
Hotel Bentota Village: 16 room hotel, few minutes’ walk to Bentota Beach, 2 star
Hotel Susantha’s: 17 room hotel, few minutes’ walk to Bentota Beach, 1 star
Villa Bentota (formerly Mohotti Walauwa): 15 room hotel [High range Boutique Hotel]
Lunuganga: 6 room boutique hotel on the banks of Lake Dedduwa, 5km inland from Bentota beach
Nisala Arana: 6 room hotel 3km inland from Bentota beach
Sakura Villa Bentota: 5 room hotel 4km inland from Benota Beach 3.5KM
Shangri Lanka Villa Boutique Guest House: 5 suite hotel, few minutes’ walk to Bentota Beach
Villa Sri Pali: 5 room guest house, 5-minutes’ drive from Bentota Beach
Aluthgama Beach hotels north of Bentota Beach
Lanka Princess Hotel, Alutgama: 105 room hotel near the beach budget range
Riverdale Eco Resort, Moragolla, Aluthgama: 10 room villa on the banks of Bentara River at Bentota
Beruwala Beach Hotels north of Bentota beach
Eden Resort and Spa, Kaluwamodera, Beruwala:158 room beachfront hotel [4 star]
Heritance Ayurveda Mahagedara (formerly Neptune Ayurveda Village), Moragalla, Beruwala: 64 room hotel [3 star]
Taparosa Footprints, Moragalla, Beruwala: 58 room beachfront hotel [3 star ]
The Palms, Moragalla, Beruwala; 100 room beach front hotel [3 star ]
Barberyn Reef Ayurveda Resort, Moragolla, Aluthgama: 75 room beachfront hotel [1 star]
Hotel Sumadai, Beruwala; 19 room hotel on the bank of Sillia Lake [3 star]
Ypsylon Tourist Resort offers beachfront accommodation in Beruwela’s tourist site. [2 star]
Roy Villa Beach Hotel is 20 meters from Bentota Beach [2 star]
Lanka Princess Hotel: 111 room hotel close to the beach, budget range
Hotel Nilwala, Kaluwamodara, Beruwela:10 room villa on the banks of Bentara River at Bentota
Bentota Hotels at Induruwa Beach 6km south of Bentota Beach
Oasey Beach Hotel, Galboda, Induruwa: 14 room beachfront hotel [3 star]
Induruwa Beach Resort, Kaikawala, Induruwa: 84 room beachfront hotel [3 star]
Emerald Bay, Induruwa, 50 room beachfront hotel [3 star]
Sign of Life Resort Athuruwella Induruwa: 8 room beachfront Ayurvedic retreat [2 star]
Temple Tree Resort & Spa, Induruwa: 10 room beachfront hotel
Royal Beach Resort, Induruwa: 15 room beachfront hotel
Sea Rock Villa, Induruwa: 5 suit beachfront villa
Shunyata Villa, Induruwa: 5 room beachfront hotel
Hotels at Kosgoda Beach 10km south of Bentota
Ayurveda Kuma Villa, Talgahapitiya Road, Kosgoda: 4 room beachfront Ayurvedic retreat
Kosgoda Beach Resort, 2, Nape, Kosgoda: 42 room beachfront hotel
Hotels at Ahungalla Beach 12km south of Bentota
Heriance Ahungalle: 152 room beachfront luxury hotel [4 star]
Sri Lanka Hotels at Balapitiya Beach 14km south of Bentota
Niroga in Maduganga Villa, Samagi Mawatha, Mahalduwa, Balapitiya: 5 room villa in the island of River Madu Ganga
[River Maduganga affords opportunities for boat safaris in River Madu Ganga, rambling around the18 islets rich with birdlife lined with mangroves]

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Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
World Travel is your guide to Travel Agents, Tour Operators and Luxury Hotels all around the world presented by My Sri Lanka Holidays aka Riolta Lanka Holidays (Pvt.) Ltd., Sri Lanka.
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Sunday, May 20th, 2012
Though Kandy Rooms are found in all categories, i.e. High Range Rooms, Mid Range Rooms, Budget Range Rooms, and home stay, the heart of the city of Kandy has no towering hotels. Construction of new buildings that would rise above the Sacred Temple of the Tooth isn’t allowed by the municipal council of Kandy. That is, in addition to the restrictions on alterations to the existing buildings and spaces in the immediate proximity of the Sacred Temple of the Tooth, Kandy.
 Kandy, Capital of the Central Province, encompassing Kandy, Matale & Nuwara Eliya
However, High Range Kandy Hotels, Middle Range Kandy Hotels and Budget Range Kandy Hotels located in the surrounding areas on higher elevations on mountain ranges, banks of River Mahaweli bring in spectacular views of all green rings of hills and valleys with luxuriant vegetation of this gateway to the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka Holidays Kandy (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) occupies the geographically central location of the tropical island. Being situated as such, it has become the main transportation hub of the Central province: A1 main road to Colombo (west); A9 main road that runs via Matale, Dambulla and Anuradhapura to Jaffna (north); A26 to east to join the main roads that take you the eastern coast; A5 road to the south leads to Sri Lanka Holidays Nuwara Eliya and then connects to the main roads leading to the southern coast.
 A9 main road runs from Kandy via Matale, Dambulla and Anuradhapura to Jaffna.
The prime real estate of Kandy facing the lake and the Sacred Temple of the Tooth is occupied by Queen’s Hotel, a British colonial building. Rest of the hotels, guest houses and rest houses are further away from the lake and the temple. Nevertheless, Sri Lanka Holidays tourists at Hotel Suisse located on the Sangaraja Mawata too enjoys a lake view, albeit an obstructed one. Then again, while the streets named Sangamitta Mw, Rajaphilla Mawata and Saranankara Road lead out of the city to connect with the roads reaching the suburbs, Aniwatta is located only 2km away from the heart of Kandy.
 Drawn in blue is the man-made decorative lake of Kandy
Kandy Rooms in City Hotels
High Range Rooms
Chaya Citadel Kandy 124 Srimath Kuda Rathwatta Mawathe, kandy
Hotel Topaz , Bahirawakanda Patu Mawatha, Anniwatte, Kandy
The Tourmaline, Anniwatte
Hotel Hill Top, 200/21 Bahirawakanda, Peradeniya Road, Kandy
Hotel Thilanka, 3, Sangamitta Mw., Kandy
Hotel Suisse, 13, Sangaraja Mw., Kandy
Queens Hotel, No. 4, Dalada Veediya (Sinhala: Temple of Tooth Relic Street), Kandy Lake Front, Kandy
 Hotel-Topaz Kandy is built on the summit of a hill.
High Range Rooms in Rajaphilla Mawata (Mawata, Mw.: Sinhala- Street), Kandy
Serene Garden Hotel (Pvt.) Ltd., 189, Rajaphilla Mw.,
Mid Range Rooms in Rajaphilla Mawata
Breeze Hillside Hotel, 173/5, Rajaphilla Mw
Budget Range Rooms in Rajaphilla Mawata
Blinkmonnie Tourist Inn, 69, Rajaphilla Mw.
Hill Way Tour Inn, 102, 1/1 Rajaphilla Mw.
Lake View Rest, 71 A, Rajaphilla Mw.
Mid Range Rooms in Sangaraja Mawata, Kandy
[Sangaraja Mawata runs bordering the northern bank of artificial Kandy lake]
Malwatta Pilgrim Rest, Sri Sangaraja Mw., Kandy
 Drawn in blue to the left is River Mahaweli Ganga. Kandy nestled in a loop of great River Mahaweli is surrounded by rings of hills: a natural fortress
Budget Range Rooms in the city of Kandy: Saranankara Road
Expeditor Kandy, 41, Saranankara Road
Garden View rest Hotel, 46, Saranankara Road
Lake inn, 43, Saranankara Road
Sharon Inn, 59, Saranankara Road
Budget Range Rooms in the suburbs of Kandy
Kandy View Hotel, 40/22 Hipankandura, Ampitiya Road, Kandy
Sky View Hotel, 17a, Sri Dammasiddhi Mw., Asgiriya, Kandy
Sky View Residence, 136 B, Wariyapola Sri Sumangala Mw., Kandy
 Sri Lanka-Kandy-Mahaweli Reach-map
Kandy Rooms in the suburbs of Kandy
High Range Hotels around the city of Kandy
Mahaweli Reach Hotel, 35, P.B. A. Weerakoon Mw., Kandy [P. B. A. Weerakoon Mawata is found off Katugastota road 5km north of Kandy, on the southern bank of River Mahaweli Ganga]
Earl’s Regency, Tennekumbura, Kandy [7k to the east towards Sri Lanka Holidays Mahiyangana]
High Range Hotels at Heerassagala, 6km south-west of Kandy
Amaya Hills- Kandy
Randholee Resorts (Pvt.) Ltd.
The Richmond House-Kandy, 195/57, Richmond Hill Place
Mid Range Hotels around the city of Kandy: Heerassagala
Kandyan View Holiday Bungalow, 17, Richmond Hill State, Heerassagala
 Hunas Falls located 25km north of Kandy is a hill country haven for the lovers
High Range Hotels at Werallagama, Kandy
Delma Mount View Hotel, 213/7, Aldenya, Werallagama, Kandy-, 12km north east of Kandy along Katugastota-Kurunegala-Puttalama Road
Mid Range Hotels at Werallagama, Kandy
The Mansion, 213, Aladeniya, Weralagama
Tree of Life, Yahalatenne, Barigama, Werellagama
Sunrich Hotel (Pvt.) Ltd, 260/4 Hedeniya, Werallagama
Budget Range Hotels at Werllagama, Kandy
Alcam Holiday Home, 41, Mahasen Mw., Hanatana Place, 2km south of Kandy
High Range Rooms in the interior of Kandy district
Hunas Falls Hotel, Elkaduwa, Hotel merits a special remark: the high end hotel with spectacular scenery is located in the interior of the district of Kandy, about 25km north of the city of Kandy.
Mid Range Rooms in the interior of Kandy district
Kandy View Hotel, 40/22 Hipankandura, Ampitiya Road, Kandy
Sky View Hotel, 17a, Sri Dammasiddhi Mw., Asgiriya, Kandy
Sky View Residence, 136 B, Wariyapola Sri Sumangala Mw., Kandy
Budget Range Hotels in the interior of Kandy district: Hanguranketha
[Hanguranketha is located 27km from Kandy towards Sri Lanka Holidays Nuwara Eliya]
Sri Land Trading Restaurant,16, Ragala Road, Rikillagaskada, Hanguranketha
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Friday, May 18th, 2012
Colombo Rooms of Riolta Sri Lanka Hotel Guide is a guide to the whole range of rooms available in Sri Lanka Holidays in Colombo: star class hotels of international standing, mid range hotels, budget hotel and home stay.
To begin your Sri Lanka Holidays, there is no better location than the capital city of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Here are the main reasons:
(a) Beginning your Sri Lanka Holidays in Colombo is gives all of you a kick start. Colombo affords the opportunity to witness the modern murals at Kaleniya Royal Temple. The famous murals depict the major milestones of Sinhalese Buddhist civilization of Sri Lanka. The murals build up a brief pictorial narrative of the unbroken chronicled history of Sri Lanka since 543 BC. Kaleniya Buddhist Temple is a mini encyclopedic springboard to the exploration of the historical, cultural and archeological destinations of Sri Lanka Holidays.
(b) Colombo is the main airport, main harbor, commercial center, emporium and heart of main metropolitan district also called Colombo in Sri Lanka.
Colombo is the city to arrange your Sri Lanka Holidays, should a holiday package hadn’t been already bought prior to the arrival at CMB Colombo Bandaranayake Airport at Katnuayake, Negombo, 37km north of the heart of Colombo,
(c) Colombo offers the best chance to buy your equipment, medication, clothes that you may have forgotten pack up. Since Sri Lanka is an underdeveloped country, buying even regular stuff available in developed countries could turn out to be a time killer.
(d) Colombo is the main hub of transportation of Sri Lanka Holidays: the most important main roads (designated with the initial A followed by a number) spoke out of Colombo. For eg. A1 is Colombo-Kandy road; A2 is Colombo-Galle southern coastal road; A3 is Colombo-Puttalama coastal road. A map of Sri Lanka can be bought on arrival at CMB Colombo Bandaranayake Airport at Katnuayake, Negombo airport.
Colombo Rooms: Hotels, Guest Houses, Rest Houses and Home stay.
Colombo has a fair share of accommodation options. The heart of Colombo city called Fort is numbered Colombo 1. Other suburbs are numbered from 2 to 15.
The other suburbs located within the district of Colombo aren’t numbered. For example, Mount Lavina located mere 10km south of Colombo nor Moratuwa 15 km south of Colombo along the main A3 Galle Road are numbered though those are densely populated main cities of the Colombo district.
 Colombo Hotels, Sri Lanka Holidays
A- Hilton Colombo; B- Cinnamon Grand; C- Hilton Colombo Residence; D- Cinnamon Lakeside; E- Taj Hotel; F- Galadari Hotel
Colombo 1 to 15 are:
1 Fort; 2 Slave Island and Union Place; 3 Kollupitiya; 4 Bambalapitiya; 5 Havelock Town and Kirilapone; 6 Wellawatte and Pamankada; 7 Cinnamon Gardens; 8 Borella;
9 Dematagoda; 10 Maradana and Panchikawatte; 11 Pettah; 12 Hultsdorf; 13 Kotahena and Bloemendhal; 14 Grandpass; 15 Mutwal, Modera, Mattakkuliya and Madampitiya.
Locating High Range Rooms, Mid Range Rooms, Budget Range Hotels in Colombo 1 to Colombo 15 would cause no hassle at all since located in the close proximity to the heart of Colombo. Should you prefer a rest at the beach in Colombo, locating Mount Lavina Rooms Beach side Hotels and Guest Houses in Mount Lavinia, 12km South of Fort isn’t bound to cause difficulties either since all hotels therein are clustered together in and around the leafy and sheltered avenues.
However locating High Range Rooms, Mid Range Rooms, Budget Range Hotels in the suburbs of Colombo would need some local help.
Coordinates: 6°56?04?N 79°50?34?E
Province Western Province ; District :Colombo District
Time zone: Sri Lanka Standard Time Zone (UTC+05:30)
 Hilton Colombo, Fort, Sri Lanka Holidays
High Range Rooms in Colombo (Colombo 1 to Colombo 15) Sri Lanka Holidays
Ceylon Continental Hotel, 48, Janadahipathi Mawatha, Fort (Colombo 01)
Cinnamon Grand hotel, 77, Galle Road, Kolulupitiya (Colombo 03)
Cinnamon Lake, 115, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mw., Slave Island (Colombo 02)
Galadari Hotel, 64, Lotus Road, Fort
Galle Face Hotel, 2, Galle Road, Kollupitiya
Hilton Colombo, 2, Sri Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mw., Slave Island
Ramada Colombo, 30, Sir Mohamed Macan Marker Mw., Galle Face
Taj Samudra Hotel, 25 Galle Face Center Road, Kolulupitiya
 Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka Holidays
Mid Range Rooms in Colombo (Colombo 1 to Colombo 15) Sri Lanka Holidays
Global Towers Hotel, 11, Station Avenue, Wellawatta (Colombo 6)
Grand Oriental Hotel (Taprobane), 2, York Street, Fort
Janaki Hotel, 43, Fife Road, Havelock Town (Colombo 5)
Hotel Sapphire, 371, Galle Road, Wellawatta
Indra Regent Hotel, 383, R. A. De Mel Mw., Kolulupitiya
Renuka City Hotel & Hotel Renuka, 328, Galle Road, Kolulupitiya
Sea View Hotel, 15, Sea View Avenue, Kolulupitiya
Hotel Omega Inn, 324, Galle Road, Wellawatta
Budget Range rooms in Colombo (Colombo 1 to Colombo 15) Sri Lanka Holidays
Hotel Western, 35, Frankfurt Place, Bambalapitiya
Home stay in Colombo (Colombo 1 to Colombo 15) in Sri Lanka Holidays
To be edited
Tags: Colombo, Colombo Rooms, Sri Lanka Holidays, Sri Lanka Hotels Posted in Colombo, Colombo Rooms | No Comments »
