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Sri Lanka Holidays Hotel Guide

Riolta Sri Lanka Holidays Hotel Guide Sri Lanka Hotels Sri Lanka Hotels complement & supplement Sri Lanka Holidays to the hilt, no holds barred. Sri Lanka Holidays is a home of distinctive architecture.

“We have a marvelous tradition of building in this country that has got lost. It got lost because people followed outside influences over their own good instincts. They never built right “through” the landscape. You must “run” with the site; after all, you don’t want to push nature out with the building”

Geoffrey Bawa (1919-2003)
Geoffrey Bawa followed up his words with deeds & built magnificent tourist hotels, splendid University of Ruhuna & Island in the sun, over the stream Parliament of Sri Lanka, Simamalaka Shrine of Gangaramaya Temple, Colombo in the tradition of ancient Sinhalese architecture.

Sri Lanka Hotels of Sri Lanka Holidays designed by Bawa during his lifetime, today run an extra mile to retain Bawa Certification. Geoffrey Bawa Hotels are the pioneer eco-oriented luxury Sri Lanka Hotels of Sri Lanka Holidays. In the backdrop of diversity & variety of tourist attractions of the ancient tropical island of Sri Lanka, the Land of Delights, Sri Lanka Holidays has something for everyone. The multitude of accommodation options in the wide spectrum of Sri Lanka Hotels rise up with great splendor to the grandeur of Sri Lanka Holidays. Sri Lanka Holidays serve expectations, interests & activities of yours to fullest extent, bringing forth the Total Holiday Experience (THE).

Then again, supplementing & complementing Sri Lanka Holidays, Sri Lanka Hotels play no second fiddle. Some of the Sri Lanka Hotels in the caliber of Vil Uyana at the Sigiriya Lion Rock Citadel  (A UNESCO World Heritage Site -WHS), Heritance Kandalama close to Golden Dambulla Rock Temple (WHS); Boulder Gardens on the fringes of Singha Raja Lion Rock Rain Forest (WHS); The Tea Factory close to Horton Plains (WHS); Amangalle, within the confines of VOC Galle Dutch Fort World Heritage site (WHS) of superior ecological & architectural splendor are Sri Lanka Holidays attractions in their own rights.

Amidst the numerous cultural attractions of resplendent Sri Lanka are Sri Lanka Eco Master Hotels spanning across the wide spectrum of accommodation: conventional hotels, boutique hotels, rest houses, guest houses, villas, lodges and camps. Bordering the pristine beaches & in the shade and shelter of vast coconut groves of Sri Lanka Holidays are Sri Lanka Beach Master Hotels, rest houses, boutique hotels, guest houses, villas & lodges. Amidst the seamless tea plantations are Sri Lanka Colonial Master Hotels that consist of rebuilt or renovated colonial bungalows.

Then again in the Central Highlands of salubrious climate & magnificent landscape of the ancient tropical island of Sri Lanka are Sri Lanka Highland Master Hotels that run across the entire gamut of accommodation: conventional hotels, boutique hotels, villas, lodges, rest houses & guest houses, all nestled high up in the hills. Sri Lanka Hotels built in a wide array of architecture, mostly with the eco concept to the forefront, have taken a leaf from Sri Lanka Holidays to create the synthesis of the Total Holiday Experience in the ancient topical island of Sri Lanka, the Land Of Delights.

We reveal for you to revel in My Sri Lanka, Our Island, The Resplendent Island.

“Dear me, it is beautiful. And most sumptuously tropical.”

That was Mark Twain’s comment when his ship reached Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) in 1896. Sri Lanka

The Land of Delights Riolta Lanka Holidays (Pvt.) Ltd., Lakshapatiya, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka & Ivory Gardens, Kandana, Sri Lanka Proudly Presents Riolta Sri Lanka Hotel Guide To The Vast Range Of Accommodation, Legendary Hospitality of The Sinhalese.

My Sri Lanka, Our Island Will Prevail!

Hail the Heroes of the Nation & Prince Diyasena of “Revolt in The Temple” (April 1953), the maestro of “The Turn of the Screw” at “The Turn of the Tide” from 26th July 2006 at Mother River, Our Mother Lanka, to 19th May 2009 at “The Sea of Conches”, My Sri Lanka, Our Island.

This Land is My Land; This Land is Our Land, from Point Pedro to Dondra Head.

Sri Lanka Hotels Range of Accommodation Options
Sri Lanka Hotels spread over a wide array of hotels of international standing to budget accommodation.
The top of the flight luxury accommodation options range from five star resorts to handsome colonial mansions: eco-oriented hotels, boutique hotels, villas and tea estate bungalows. The high end luxury accommodation are in such close proximity to cultural, wildlife and nature attractions of Sri Lanka Holidays, staying in these hotels itself could turn out to be an overwhelming joy indeed.
You may enjoy the lavish hospitality of top of the flight 5 star accommodation or opt for Sri Lanka Hotels of lesser standing. The tourists can even go for budget accommodation at guest houses or rest houses. If you are travelers on your own, you may easily rent a room with an attached bathroom in a friendly family home. The tourists who wish to enjoy at Sri Lanka Beaches could put them up at beach side cabana style accommodation too.

But then again, Sri Lanka Holidays doesn’t feature dormitory-style accommodation at all, that is available, two a penny, all over in India. That is to say Sri Lanka doesn’t cater well for pot smoking shoe-string counter culture long-haired, scantily clad hippy-like smelly weeds of the affluent countries. Those narcotic addicted weird weeds could even be refused visa on arrival and deported in the very next flight. Drug smuggling could evoke capital punishment in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankans, the local tourists who love to tour their beautiful island, as a nation find their way into reasonable facilities of privacy, space, and room. And they would hardly dish out accommodation facilities that they themselves wouldn’t choose, to the foreign tourists. Having said that, I must hasten to stress, in comparison to other Asian destinations, Sri Lanka Hotels rates, as a convention, produce high value for your hard-earned money. With numerous accommodation options available, you are free to enjoy the best Sri Lanka has to offer for a fraction of the price that your highness would pay in the western countries. You are treated right royally at Sri Lanka Hotels.

Eco-oriented Hotels & Lodges
Pride of the parade of Sri Lanka Holidays is taken by eco-oriented hotels designed by Sri Lanka’s foremost architect Geoffrey Bawa (1919–2003). Among the numerous modern hotels, the stunning sophisticated hotels with eco-orientation stands out like beacons of Sri Lanka Holidays: they are tourist attractions of their own right. In addition to Geoffrey Bawa hotels, Sri Lanka boasts of numerous other eco-oriented luxury Hotels.
Developers of Sri Lanka Holidays have risen up to the occasion caused by modern trend towards eco tourism to reap the benefit of its outstanding eco tourism potential. Sri Lanka is one of the 34 bio-diversity hot spots of the world. The latest grand scale hotel development project is Dutch Bay Resorts of “Kalpitiya Integrated Tourism Development Project”, the newly launched eco-oriented mega tourism project of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Hotels rates
Sri Lanka Hotels rates are at a slight variance during the year: the main tourist season during November to March records the higher end of the rates of Sri Lanka Hotels throughout the island, significantly in the western and southern beach resorts. But then bargains galore in the off seasons. During the month of April Sri Lanka Hotels and guest houses are in heavy demand in Nuwara Eliya, the prime colonial sanitarium of Central Highlands. Then again the tourist season for eastern coast (April to September) also records higher rates though confined strictly to the Sri Lanka Hotels in the eastern coast of Sri Lanka.Take a leaf from the book of Sri Lanka’s heroic Defence Forces: nothing is impossible. bunpeiris


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3 Responses to “Sri Lanka Holidays Hotel Guide”

  1. New Morden world – A Travel Blog Says:

    Really nice location for visit.Nice post

  2. EQUINEXUS Says:

    Jetwing Vil Uyana Hotel consists of hi luxury villas set in a scenic multi-faceted location. Man made rainwater reservoirs, natural wetlands, man made wetlands, paddy fields, bush jungle & woods. As if all these wouldn’t do, the award winning hi luxury eco-oriented hotel of Sri Lanka is within a stone’s throw of the famous UNESCO world heritage site of Sigiriya Lion Rock citadel.

  3. EQUINEXUS Says:

    Sri Lanka Holidays Jetwing Vil Uyana luxury hotel located close to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Sigiriya Lion Rock citadel takes you by surprise with its magnificent setting. The spacious & luxuries villas seamlessly blend with natural surrounding with extensive wild life & birdlife as well as man-made surroundings of irrigation channels, rainwater reservoirs & paddy fields. Sri Lanka Holidays Jetwing Vil Uyana takes off the big chill of all tired minds & warms, soothes your heart & eases all your stresses. Here is a sanctuary for relaxation & rejuvenation.

Click to Enlarge

Vil Uyana

Kandalama Heritance



Amaya Hills

Saman Villas

Elephant Corridor

Deer Park Hotel

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